Your horses are saddled
out in back, so let's go.
Where to?
I'll take you there.
That's all
you need to know.
'Ceptin' if you
don't have the money...
or I ain't back within
18 minutes from now...
or if somebody tries
to follow us
to the meetin' place...
or tries to keep us
from leaving after
we get the money, we'll
kill that little boy.
Well, I ain't gonna give
you the money
till I get the little boy.
Now how you gonna do it?
We'll have a rifle on him.
With a real fine sharpshooter
behind it,
with one of them fancy
new telescopic sights.
From the time you
set eyes on him,
until one hour
after we vamoose,
you won't know
where our man is,
and we won't be able
to tell him not to shoot
even if we was so inclined.
Something goes wrong,
that little boy is dead,
sure as shootin'.
Well, uh... give us
a couple of minutes
to pull ourselves together.
The front's being watched.
I'll be out in back myself.
18 minutes.
Means they're close by.
James, give me back my watch.
Don't you ever return
things you borrow?
It's full of pictures.
Michael, the sharpshooter
is yours.
Kill him.
Well, get lucky.
Or better still,
pray that I get lucky
and make him miss
the first shot.
That'll give you
about ten seconds
to see his powder
flare, locate him,
and keep him
from shooting again.
Nothin' to it.
Well, let's get go...
Where's the other one?
There's supposed to be
four of you.
He's dead.
We had to pay a price
to keep that box
for you and your friends.
I was told to bring in
all of you or none of you,