If you had a choice, -
- would you rather love a girl,or have her love you?
- I want it mutual.- If you couldn't have that.
Would I rather be the one who loves,or is loved?
It's not an easy question.I think I'd rather be in love.
Me, too.I wouldn't want to get hurt, though.
- You were in love with Gloria.- I was starting to be.
Then she let me feel her up on thefirst date. Turned me right off.
- You kept going with her.- Well, she let me feel her up.
- What about Gwen?- Her I could talk to.
- I never could talk to any girl.- I was getting crazy about her.
But she wouldn't let melay a hand on her.
- So I went back to Gloria.- You want perfection.
- What do you want?- She just has to be nice.
- Not beautiful?- She doesn't have to be.
- I'd like her built, though.- I want mine sexy.
- She shouldn't look like a tramp.- Sexy doesn't mean like a tramp.
- There's a middle ground.- I would want that.
Tall, very tall...
That would scare me.
She should be very understanding.Start the same sentences together.
- I'd like that.- Big tits...