Good night.
Lieutenant, the bedrooms are this way.
Guest bedroom, Lieutenant.
Master bedroom.
- General, have you been here all day?
- No, I was out on my boat till about two.
- You didn't go out after that, sir?
- No.
I was here packing,
getting ready for the testimonial dinner.
- Do you mind if I look in your closet?
- No.
By all means, be thorough, Lieutenant.
Extra uniforms.
General, that's a lot of fruit salad.
Past history. All to be donated, Lieutenant.
Well, you've had the tour.
Anything else I can do for you?
No, I guess that's it.
Unless what?
Well, as long as I'm here...
Do you happen to own a gun, General?
- A handgun?
- Oh, no, I...
Yes. Yes, I do.
A target pistol.
It's a funny thing.
I never think of it as a weapon.
.22 calibre High Standard.
Supermatic Trophy model. There you are.
- What's that medal for?
- Oh...
That's a first with
the United States Marine Pistol Team.
You know, Lieutenant...
I had this out earlier today.
I was thinking of giving it over
to the exhibition,
although it's never had anything
to do with my military career.