Good afternoon.
Did you watch television last night?
Yes, I did. How did you find me?
I went by your apartment.
Had a nice talk with your mother.
- Quite a lady.
- Isn't she?
I understand you're through here
in about an hour.
Do you suppose
you and I could go somewhere...?
Oh, a public place, if you're worried...
someplace where we could have a drink?
- Why?
- Well, you're breaking the law.
I don't think I understand.
You're accusing, convicting
and sentencing me without a fair trial.
Now, wouldn't you say
that that's un-American?
Here's to your convictions...
and my acquittal.
Oh, I don't judge you, General.
I just report what I saw.
Er... I'd like to suggest
the possibility that you were deceived.
Deceived by whom?
By yourself.
We all know the tricks
that the sun and the sea,
even your own eyes, can play on you.
Particularly after a long day on the water.
Would you admit that that's possible?
Just possible.
Well, I suppose so.
The defence rests. For today.
Now, I think we ought
to prosecute these martinis
before their statutes of limitations expire.