Er, Mr Kennicut, it would help
if you could tell us a few things.
Did your wife have any enemies?
Lenore never offended a soul.
She was an extraordinary woman.
I see. This question is a bit awkward,
but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask -
was there ever another man in her life?
Naturally. More than one.
But that was years ago,
before we were married.
- No. I meant since you were married.
- An affair?
I'm afraid we're gonna have to consider it.
Well, don't bother.
Lenore was faithful to me in every way.
She had a clean bill of health.
All right. Clean bill of health.
- So we shouldn't go in that direction?
- No, you shouldn't.
Can you tell us about her habits?
What did she do in her spare time?
Nothing unusual. Shopping, charity work.
- Sports.
- What kind of sports did she play?
Tennis. She was also very fond
of skin diving.
Yes. Did she do this with you, sir?
Did she do it with friends?
With friends, Lieutenant.
Female friends, in case you're wondering.
Female friends.
All right, sir. I think I've got enough
to start with. Thank you very much.
Lieutenant, I want you
to understand something.
I married a woman
young enough to be my daughter.
People were sceptical, but it worked for us.
We loved each other.
We loved each other very much.
We even thought of having a child.
I want this man caught.
And I must warn you,
I don't intend to be patient.
Yes, sir.