Sure. Listen.
I want to thank you for the time.
- Listen. Thank you.
- Right.
Listen, before I forget...
Gee whizz.
I didn't wanna forget that.
But, er, let's see.
I had a receipt here
that I wanted you to sign.
Well, listen, let's just make one up.
It's a receipt for the files.
Isn't that weird?
- What a coincidence.
- What's that?
A moment ago, we were talking about
left-handed people and you're left-handed.
And right-handed.
I'm ambidextrous.
That means
I don't favour either hand particularly.
It's a character trait shared by
about ten percent of the world's population.
Ten percent? No kidding?
- Anything else?
- Er, no.
No, I don't think so. Listen.
This is a little bit off the subject.
My sister-in-law wants to buy a place
at the beach. How do you like it there?
- Who said I was living at the beach?
- No one.
I noticed your car in front of Mr Kennicut's.
You parked it there in the driveway.
I saw the chrome was tarnished.
You know the salt air
just eats the life out of it.
Yeah, that part's a problem, all right.
You're a very observant man, Lieutenant.
- That's not what my wife says.
- (Laughs)
Well, you tell your sister-in-law
that she will love it at the beach
if she doesn't mind that problem
with the salt air on the chrome.
I'll tell her that. And thanks again.
Thank you.
Oh, er, say, have you ever been
in Mr Kennicut's house?
(Sighs) Yes, I met you there.
Not the big house. I meant at the beach.
Your beach house and his beach house
are fairly close, aren't they?
No. It's a couple miles.
That close? Isn't that a coincidence?