Now, I got this nutty notion.
Suppose Mr Kennicut...
I'll tell you, it's too far-fetched.
Sometimes it helps to test it out. Try me.
It's really crazy.
Well, listen. It doesn't cost anything.
Suppose Mr Kennicut hired
somebody to check up on his wife.
And this somebody lied to him.
He said to Mr Kennicut, "Look, your wife,
she's got a clean bill of health."
Now this somebody, whoever it is,
he's in a perfect position
to blackmail Mrs Kennicut.
Now, suppose she refuses.
See? She says,
"No, I'm gonna go tell my husband."
I think it's a terrific motive, don't you?
Lieutenant, you have
a marvellously convoluted mind.
- I do?
- I like it.
The trouble with your theory is
not only is it very tenuous,
but it's impossible to prove, isn't it?
I, er...
Got a little tomato on that there.
Well, I said it was nutty.
What do you think?
You think I ought to drop it?
If you believe in it, stick to it.
Run it on down.
One other thing you should keep in mind.
Nothing at all to do with the case.
- What's that?
- Your future.
I'd like you to work for Brimmer Associates.
- Me?
- That's why I gave you the VIP tour.
We're a growing organisation.
You'd be a valuable piece of manpower.
Boy. You really know how to toss a curve.
No, I don't mean it that way.
I'm quite serious.
You're a good man, Columbo, up here.
It's time you thought about advancement.
What does a lieutenant make?
If you come with us, I'm almost positive
I can triple your yearly income.