Columbo: Death Lends a Hand

Whew. Boy. I tell you, it's all so sudden.
Let me talk it over with my wife.
Of course. Think about it carefully.
But remember, we want you here.
Listen. I'm very flattered. I mean that.
Just let me mull it over a little bit.

Well, while you're mulling,
consider my career.

If I'd stayed with the force...
by now, probably with luck, I could
have been a captain of detectives.

With one eye on the promotion list,
and the other eye on my car payments.

No house by the ocean. No freedom
to travel. No... what would you say?

Power or sense of accomplishment.
Have I succeeded in getting through,
in stimulating you?

Definitely. Yes, sir.
I'm gonna give it all a lot of thought.

That's as much as I can ask.
- Er, one thing.
- Mm-hm.

If I came with you, would I still
be working on the Kennicut case?

Well, let's see.
I have men who are perfectly capable
of handling... The Kennicut case?

No. I have several other more important
matters that I'd put you on right away.

Lieutenant, to the knock of opportunity.
- Hey.
- Hi.

- Hey. Dry throat for some reason.
- Help yourself.

Yeah. I hope I didn't get you
into trouble before.

- I mean, I'm sorry about what happened.
- I'm used to it.

Does he blow off a lot of steam?
Let's just say our founding father
has quite a temper.

No kidding. That's funny, because he looks
to me like a guy that's always under control.
