Columbo: Lady in Waiting

We have had our usual argument
and now the matter is settled.
Is it?
Beth, listen to me.
He isn't for you, believe me.

If you insist upon seeing him,
I have a right to express my feelings.

- You can't control my life.
- Your life, in this case,

is tied in with a company employee.
What difference does that make?
He's an honest, hardworking...

Yes. He's ambitious, intelligent.
He's a good attorney.

And he has a flair for
the advertising business.

And he's also smart enough to know
a golden opportunity when he sees it.

You're not Father.
No, I'm not your father.
I'm your brother, and if your choice
in men friends were more mature,

I would stay out of your life.
- You don't know how to stay out of my life.
- I won't let you be used.

So I've taken the appropriate steps.
- Charles, is the car ready?
- Appropriate steps?

Bryce! What have you done?
I've written to Peter Hamilton. He'll receive it
when he gets back from Atlanta today.

I told him that if he continues to see you,
his employment with
Ellison Chadwick will be terminated.

What? You've threatened him?
I won't be home for dinner.
Don't wait for me.

He won't care if you fire him!
Then let me ask you a question, Beth.
If your name wasn't Chadwick
and you didn't have all of this...
do you really think that Peter Hamilton
would give you a second look?

Now, I'm sorry if I sound cruel.
I don't mean to be.

But the sooner you face the facts...
the better.
And the cheaper it will be for all of us.
