You catching up on your reading,
No, not really.
(Man) You realise what you...
(Beth) Yes, I understand.
(lndistinct chatter)
(Man) You then climbed over the gate
and started running towards the house?
Well, I was half asleep
because I'd taken a sleeping pill.
The burglar alarm was on?
Well, yes. There's a switch beside my bed.
How does it work outside?
At the front door?
Well, if you have a key and use it,
it automatically turns the alarm off.
Do you have any idea why your brother
went through your French doors
knowing he'd probably set the alarm off?
I... I guess he lost his keys and...
he came around the side of the house
and tried to get in...
through my window.
What time did you go to bed tonight?
About 9:30.
I didn't feel very well yesterday
so I didn't go out.
Excuse me.
Did I hear you say you stayed home today?
Yes, that's what I said.
- You didn't go out at all?
- No.
- That's what I said.
- Thank you.
(Man) When you got there,
he was already dead?
Yes, that's correct.
Or did Miss Chadwick telephone you
after she shot her brother?
I was on my way over.
I stopped at the gate when I heard the shots.
- How many?
- Three.
And the alarm was going?
That's right.
Why did you drop by, Mr Hamilton?
I came to see Bryce. I work for him.
Can you account for
your whereabouts this evening?
I came in from Atlanta at ten. I took a cab
and got to my apartment about 10:45.
You can check with the doorman.