Why did you come here
after just getting home?
It's a little involved...
Miss Chadwick and I have been
seeing each other and Bryce objected.
So you came over here
to have it out with him?
I suppose you could put it that way.
- Is this your newspaper?
- No.
- We found these outside in the bushes.
- Thanks.
Excuse me.
Miss Chadwick,
are these your brother's keys?
- Yes. Where were they?
- In the bushes.
With that light out, it's really tough to see.
Gentlemen, you have our statements.
If you don't mind, I think...
I'd like to go through this once more
to make sure I got things straight.
- Gentlemen, please.
- No, Peter, that's all right. Go on.
Now, Miss Chadwick,
you said you went to bed at 9:30, right?
And you took a sleeping pill
before you retired.
That's right.
Would you tell me
what happened after that?
Well, it was after eleven...
and I heard the glass break
and the alarm go off and I woke up.
You thought it was a burglar?
Yes. Yes, I thought it was a burglar.
Well, it was pitch dark and I was half asleep
because I'd taken the sleeping pill.
I heard the glass break and the alarm go off
and so I reached for the gun,
it was in the drawer beside my bed,
and then I just started shooting.
I didn't know what I was doing.
Gentlemen, we'll be available
for questioning tomorrow.
I'd like to see that
Miss Chadwick gets some rest.
Right. All right, fellas, wrap it up.
Thank you very much. Good night.
Come on, darling.