Window down, please.
Oh! Right.
That's it. I held the whipped cream
on the Mighty Malt.
- That's what you wanted?
- Right.
OK. And they were out of onion rings.
You want a substitution?
No, that's all right. No, that's fine.
Don't forget to tell me before you leave.
I need to take the tray.
- People always drive off with our trays.
- Right. I'll remember.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome. Right.
Tell me, you and Miss Chadwick
are gonna be married?
You don't believe in preliminaries.
Well, you know, sometimes it's just...
Yes, we are but we haven't set the date yet,
mainly because of Bryce.
Oh, I see. You know,
what I was wondering was...
the night of the shooting,
why'd you drive over there so late?
Let's say the propulsion was anger.
Huh? What do you mean?
I got back from a business trip
and there was a letter from Bryce.
He said to lay off Beth or else.
Or else? Or else what?
Oh, it's... Professional discrimination.
Things like that.
So I got hot and I went over
to have it out with him.
I see.
Boy, you got there just in time
for the commotion.
That's quite a coincidence, isn't it?
That's a leading question, Lieutenant.
Do you think that the two of us
did Bryce in together?
What do you mean, murder? Oh, no.
I mean, you were at the inquest.
They said it was an accident.
I'm not talking about the inquest.
I'm talking about you. What do you think?
Do I think it was a conspiracy? No, no.
Oh, no. No chance of that. No, sir.
It's rather odd that
you're still asking the same questions.
Oh, you know... Well, that's just me.
You know, I mean, nothing official.
It's just that, you know, I have this...
bug about tying up loose ends.