That's what my wife says about it.
Are you really?
No, I mean, all I meant by that was that...
- You see, if there was a key there...
- Yes?
and if Bryce knew about it
then he would use the key
to let himself in through the front door.
But I told the truth the night it happened
and I told the truth at the inquest.
So whatever your little compulsions may be,
I'm afraid I must insist you leave me alone.
Oh, uh...
I'll take it all. Yeah?
- Well, is that it?
- No, I haven't finished.
- You're not bored, are you?
- No. I'm having a wonderful time.
- Is there something young and bright?
- This one?
- Oh, that's marvellous.
- Excuse us.
Don't forget to put my hat over by
the black baggage. Bring it with me.
It'll look great.
- Could you get the zipper? Peter!
- Yes.
Everybody set
for this afternoon's meeting?
Yes, but I was wondering, Beth.
Uh... don't you think it's a little premature?
Perhaps another week for things to ease up.
No! It must be today.
All right. It's up to you.
Well, what do you think?
What does that mean?
Well, it's wild. It's a little out
of your style, isn't it?
No, I don't think it is.
Well, you asked.