(Laughs) Don't be naive.
Who else can take over
and still keep it in the family?
I'm prepared to go to court if necessary
and you know that means -
publicity, interviews, scandal.
I can't believe you're talking to me like this.
Are you prepared to take over the company?
You're getting old, Mother,
or hadn't you noticed?
(Knock at door)
Come in.
- Am I interrupting something?
- What do you want?
Well, I just thought that...
Why, hello there, fella!
- How you doing?
- (Yapping)
I got a treat for you.
I got a little something for him.
Here you are. I've been carrying
these things around with me all week.
Come here, boy. Come on.
Take one of these.
Look at that. Come on. Come on.
- (Yapping)
- Oh, easy.
I think we have a personality conflict.
Do you need me for anything, Lieutenant?
Come here.
No, ma'am. No, I don't think so.
Then I'll be leaving.
We'll go into this later.
As you wish.
I'll leave the two of you alone.
No, that's all right, Peter.
The lieutenant is going to be brief.
What is it now? We've talked about keys
and grass and newspapers.
Oh, thank you. Oh, thank you.
You know how one thing leads to another.
Over at your house there the other day,
when I was climbing that ladder,
I had a thought.
Something else occurred to me
that's been keeping me awake at night.
What might that be?
I was wondering about
that burnt-out bulb in front of your house
and I went over there this morning
to take a look at it...
You brought it with you!