And in the mystery writer's soul,
it is always the middle of the night.
(Cork pops)
A toast.
Dear sir...
I give you... our divorce.
Well, it's not really a divorce.
Sure it is. Come on. Let's be honest.
I mean, there's no alimony,
but it is a termination.
Ah, yes. And our dear little children.
All 15 of them.
50 million copies.
To the lady who made it all possible,
the greatest sleuth in the world,
Mrs Melville, whom we brought to life
and now we're about to bury.
Come on, Ken. You're making me feel
guilty. All I want to do is write on my own.
You're right. I am being selfish.
OK, my boy.
My blessings on your solo flight.
Thanks. I appreciate it.
(Ken) After all, friendship is more important
than partnership. Right?
Here's to our friendship.
And now, sir, I'm gonna kidnap you.
- What?
- The aforementioned cabin.
It has been finished for six months.
You're gonna be my first male guest.
- I can't, Ken. Not now.
- Why can't you?
- It's in San Diego.
- It's a couple of hours' drive.
I'll have you home before midnight.
I promised Joanna I'd take her
to dinner and a show.
That's easy. Pick up the phone and say,
"I'm working late at the office."
We'll get there, uncork another bottle
and go fishing.
- Well...
- You know what your trouble is?
- You're afraid to unwind for a day.
- I'm not.
Well, prove it. Come on.
If you want some justification,