Well, anyway, you can imagine my surprise
when I saw your partner.
There he was, big as life, sitting there
in the front seat of your car.
- And that disturbed you, huh?
- Oh, not at that time.
Only later.
And then I debated with myself for days,
whether to come and see you or not.
- Why didn't you go to the police?
- Oh, Ken.
- I wouldn't want to get you into trouble.
- Of course not. All right, Lilly. How much?
- I hope you don't think that's the...
- No. I don't think anything.
I'll tell you something.
I'm most grateful you came to me first.
Know why? Because I think we can
reach an equitable agreement.
I do so admire your candour.
It isn't easy for me, a widow running a small
country store, trying to make ends meet.
I can understand that. I also recognise
in you a woman of... some breeding.
I mean, you're not just
a common... blackmailer.
I'm so glad you're understanding.
Very well, Lilly. How much for your silence?
$15,000? I... Oh! I know it's a lot,
but that's all I'll ever ask for. Honestly.
- And I'm a woman of my word!
- I know and I respect you for that.
And you know what?
In that spirit, I accept your terms. Agreed?
I know you won't take offence when I say
it's a pleasure doing business with you.
No, no. My pleasure.