and you made it sound so terrific,
and believe me, you weren't exaggerating,
because this is magnificent.
And since I got a two-week vacation
comin' up,
I said to myself, "Go on down there,
check out the area, look to see."
"Maybe you can rent a cabin."
You're not gonna tell me
you drove down here
just to look for a vacation spot, are you?
Why else would I come?
You're wasting your time.
I have a feeling that cabins in this neck
of the woods are out of your price range.
Most of them are rented for the season.
Oh, gee whizz. That's too bad.
Gosh, my wife is gonna be disappointed.
- Well, it was a nice ride, anyhow.
- Yes, a lovely drive.
Except for that bottleneck down the road.
What was that all about?
- Oh, there was a drowning.
- What was it? A fisherman?
I heard someone say it was a local woman.
- A Miss La Sanka or something?
- Something like that, yeah.
- Did you know her?
- Not really.
I was wondering, because in the kitchen,
I noticed a grocery box with her name on it.
I occasionally buy supplies there,
like anyone else who lives around here.
I think she was the one that drowned. Yeah.
Cos I stopped by the grocery store
to pick up some cigars
and I noticed it was closed
and the cops' cars around.
Well, if it was her, I'd be very sorry.
- She was always very friendly.
- Yeah. That's a shame.
Oh, you did know her?
I know a lot of people
without really knowing them,
like barbers, waitresses,
parking lot attendants,
even the cop on the beat.
- Don't you?
- Yeah. Yeah, I do, as a matter of fact.
I'll tell you, though. People are strange.
I can't figure 'em out.
Why a woman goes out on a lake
all by herself before the light comes up.