- We appreciate your help.
- You're welcome.
Apart from your savings,
trust accounts and municipal bonds,
we naturally were forced
to sell all of your stocks at a loss.
There was no other alternative.
I know, Mr Perkins,
but this is no time to worry about money.
- Of course, Mrs Williams.
- I brought a bag.
Thank you, that won't be necessary.
I have one.
This should do it.
If you don't need me any longer.
- Gentlemen.
- Thanks again.
We've got priority clearance
on that air corridor. You'll be by yourself.
- What about you?
- We'll be about two miles behind you.
You'll keep your people clear of the area?
The highway patrol units have instructions.
If they spot a car picking up the money,
they make an identification and let it pass.
Chances are they'll get the money
and clear out quickly
- so I wouldn't worry.
- I'm concerned about my husband's life.
If you gentlemen will excuse me,
I'll change now.
- (Plane engine)
- All set?
- I'm ready.
- All right, let's go.
You ride in the rear.