- That's some telephone.
- Yes.
- What, are you big on gadgets?
- No.
I just happen to find that one a great help.
Say that I want to get in touch with a client
to be in court, say, Monday,
I just tape a message,
and this machine calls my client
- and does it for me.
- Boy, that's...
that's really something.
Today they could do everything
electronically, if they wanted to.
Could I take down the name of this?
Maybe I could con the department
into getting one for my office.
You have a pen?
These things really fascinate me.
They got a new thing today -
if I wanna take my wife to the ball game,
I just dial this service for the tickets.
It's all done by the computer.
It's really... It's unbelievable.
Hmm. What did you want
to see me about, Lieutenant, exactly?
Er... You see, Mrs Williams,
now that a murder's been committed
it's my job to look at this case
from all possible angles.
Isn't it your job to catch the kidnapper?
The federal agents and our men are on that.
- Very reassuring.
- Yes, it is. They do a fine job.
But you see, the thing is, with me...
- I'm a strange guy.
- Really?
Yeah, I worry. Little things bother me.
I'm a worrier.
I mean... Little insignificant details -
I lose my appetite, I can't eat.
My wife says to me,
"You know, you can really be a pain."
- You know what I mean.
- I get the general picture.
- Why don't you get on with it?
- Sure. Right.
There are certain things
about your husband's kidnapping,