That's absolutely true.
I'll go even further. That's what
does most criminals in, eventually.
Then isn't it safe to assume
that they would open the bag
to see if the money was there?
And then, after they saw it,
out of fear or panic, take the money
out of the bag and run.
That's probably right. That's probably right.
I'm sure... it's right.
I don't mean to defend my point
about the bag,
I was just using that
to show you the kind of person I am.
You understand? How details bother me.
In other words, I'm trying to show you
a whachamacallit of mine.
- Idiosyncrasy.
- Right. Idiosyncrasy.
- Gee, that's a... That's a good word.
- One of the best.
- Anything else?
- Er, no.
No, I guess that's it.
Listen, I wanna thank you
for taking the time to talk to me,
I really appreciate that.
Helped straighten things out in my mind.
- Any time, Lieutenant.
- Thank you again.
- Something else?
- What's the matter with me?
- One other thing. The angle of the bullet.
- What about it?
The bullet entered your husband's body
at a 45-degree angle.
- What's the significance in that?
- That means he was standing.
And... See the way you're standing?
Leslie, I thought...
(Columbo, echoing)
Just the way you're standing.
The killer was sitting,
just the way I am. And from this position...
the killer shot him.
I'm sorry.
(Sighs deeply) Would you, er...
A little water, on the table.