I don't understand
why the burglar alarm didn't go off.
- A professional thief could manage that.
- No, no.
Professionals always pick windows.
They're easier to crack.
- Sally, ready?
- Whenever you are.
OK. When I holler inside,
you run just the way I told you to run.
OK! Here she goes!
(Heels clacking)
- Well?
- That's it. That's what I heard.
I couldn't be sure before.
I was running myself.
- You heard high heels on those steps?
- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
- You bet.
- Charlie, will you get Sally?
- Wait. You think the thief was a woman?
- One of 'em.
- One of them?
There were too many pictures
for one person to carry, right?
And the burglar alarm thing,
there's only one way to beat that.
You have somebody from the inside
open the door.
I don't think I understand.
You know what?
That's the trouble. Neither do I.
If you ever want to know
any more about art...
Thank you very much.
Listen, now that you mention it, tell me this.
How does a thief
get rid of a painting like that?
If they're that famous,
how can anybody sell it?
Well, someone in a foreign country, maybe.
Art thieves usually try
to make a deal with the owner,
the gallery, the insurance company.
That's what I thought.
It's just like a kidnapping.
What they want really is the ransom.
- Exactly.
- Right.
So, in this case, somebody must be
pretty scared now, don't you think?
Might be anxious to settle quick.
- Possibly.
- Sure.
And since you're
the first person they might try to contact...
I'll tell you what.
You give me your telephone number