Columbo: Suitable for Framing

'Copies of today's lecture may be
obtained for a nominal fee'

'by writing to this station.'
'This is Dale Kingston. Good afternoon.'
(Man) 'Be with us again tomorrow'
'when Channel 16 brings you
Dale Kingston's World Of Art.'

Studio 2. Yeah, we just broke. I'll call him.
- Telephone call, Mr Kingston.
- Thank you, Phil.

Phil, listen. While I've got you,
can we get... Is that on?

Can't you cut that camera off me
the minute I finish talking, please?

I'm always left with egg on my face.
Thank you.

- Yes.
- Dale, I finally got you.

- I remembered you'd be doing your show.
- What are you doing calling?

- I told you not to call for a week.
- But I was worried.

That's just free-floating anxiety, dear.
Now, relax. Everything's going just...

I'm terribly sorry.
No, I simply don't have time.

Well, Lieutenant.
Gee, I wish you wouldn't hang up.
Somebody you don't know calls...

I get a dozen calls a day
just like that from would-be artists,

from ladies who want to evaluate some
stupid little print their aunts left them...

You mean, that was a woman?
Yes, and it wasn't any ransom call.
Now, I have a museum to go to,
then a dinner, then a lecture.

I was hoping we'd have a little time to talk.
We can get together later if you like.
I've gotta take my make-up off, anyway.
May as well do it now.

Fine, thank you very much. Er...
- So this is a television studio?
- Yes.
