Columbo: Suitable for Framing

Oh, yes, that highway patrol thing.
An accident?

That's what it looked like. But I told them.
Whenever a case comes up that has
anything to do with art, you call me.

You mean it wasn't an accident?
Oh, yeah, it's an accident.
I mean, that's what it's listed as.

But the dead girl,
she was some kind of an art student.

And I thought maybe you knew
something about her.

Tracy O'Connor?
Lieutenant, there must be over 100,000
art students in Southern California.

I remember seeing one of those
lecture schedules in your apartment.

Two months ago, you gave several
lectures where this girl was enrolled.

- This is what she looks like.
- Be realistic.

You think I can remember everyone
who ever sat in on one of my lectures?

I've never seen that girl before. Why don't
you stop wasting everybody's time?

These are all minor details.
- Sit down, Dale, won't you?
- Thank you, Frank.

"For their devoted service to me
for the past ten..."

Er, Lieutenant, make yourself comfortable.
We've skimmed over the preliminaries.
We're now down to the salient points.

Proceed as you wish, counsellor.
"For their devoted service to me
for the past ten years,"

"I bequeath to Mr and Mrs Evans jointly
an annual payment of $2,000..."

- Oh!
- " be paid on the first day of each year"

"in which either one of them is
still surviving."

Such a kind man.
"Finally, to my primary heir of all
previous wills, to my nephew Dale Kingston,"

"whom I once supported through college"
"and who has had the full freedom
of my home and possessions ever since,"

"I bequeath the full bulk
and remainder of my estate"

"with this one single exception:"
"To Edna Mathews, the wife
whom I mistakenly divorced 15 years ago,"

- "I bequeath my entire art collection..."
- Oh!
