- Really? Can you describe him?
- Would a picture help?
A picture? Are you kidding?
You have a picture of this fella?
- It's around here. Probably in my album.
- Where did you get a photograph?
Well, I was taking some snapshots
of my nephew out at the pool.
Tracy and her friend were out there
so I took one of them too.
- It's in one of these.
- You're a lifesaver.
Well, let's see.
That's when my cousins were out here
from Milwaukee.
We stopped at one of those
roadside stands for date malts.
I got so sick but they're awful good.
You ever had one? Think you'd like 'em.
Cindy Lou. That's my cousin's kid.
She's named for me.
That's at Grauman's Chinese.
She's trying to fit her feet into the things
in the concrete. Awful cute.
I made her that dress.
Doesn't that look nice? It has smocking.
- Can you see...?
- Let's see.
Here's a whole bunch of us
that went out and had a picnic.
We had the best time, more laughs.
Look, isn't that cute?
- That's my Uncle Henry there.
- Oh.
- We must...
- Do you have any idea...?
- Isn't that a good one of a lion?
- Wonderful. Do you have any idea...?
Wait a minute. Here it is. Here you go.
There. Well, there he is.
That's the one. Any help?
No kidding?
- That's not him.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
(Man) You guys still guard this place?
(Second man) Just me.
I keep the tourists away.
Say, you know anything about aphids?
- Aphids?
- Yeah, they're destroying my roses.
My wife doesn't want me
to use any pesticides.
Hard spray from your garden hose
around 4 or 5pm.
The sun's still hot enough to dry...
and it won't burn your flowers.
Just water, huh?
- Thanks. I'll try it.
- OK.