He decided to give them all away -
to schools, museums...
But oh dear, it takes so much time
to work that out,
to decide which places get which...
In the meantime,
he didn't want Dale to get his hands on it?
I don't like to say that.
I was just so happy that
Rudy was finally turning human.
Who on earth...?
Hello, Aunt Edna. May I come in?
How are you, dear?
I didn't think you had
even remembered where I live.
Of course I do.
Had a message from Lieutenant Colum...
Oh, there you are.
What's this all about?
- Is it about the gun?
- What?
Wait a minute.
What gun? What is all this?
I thought you'd be interested.
About a half hour ago a gardener
up on that hill there found a.38 revolver
and it's the same kind
as the one missing from your uncle's desk.
Er, may I use your phone?
Oh, yes, of course.
Isn't that silly? Right up above my house.
I've walked on that hill myself.
Is this Charlie? Lieutenant Columbo.
Charlie, I sent that stuff over there
over a half-hour ago...
Oh. Thank you.
It's the murder gun, all right.
Oh, there's nothing to be upset about.
But I was just telling Dale,
I go up there myself
when I want a breath of air.
I walked over to see Rudy
the night before he was killed.
Don't say another word.
The lieutenant may get the wrong idea.