How do you like me so far?
People say I have
the body of Rock Hudson.
If he ever finds out what I'm doin' to it,
he'll be madder than hell.
I call these girls my Acorns.
Actually, they're a gift from Willard Whyte,
who is upstairs right now
playing Monopoly with real buildings.
Tryin' to find Willard Whyte is like
tryin' to find a virgin in a maternity ward.
On behalf of the Whyte House,
I wanna let you folks know
you've been a lousy audience.
So get lost. See ya later.
Shady Tree!
- Shady, we just adored your act!
- What taste, style!
And we have a few suggestions.
Critics and material I don't need!
I haven't changed my act in 40 years.
Hold it! Don't go in there.
We didn't get the real diamonds,
so we need Tree - alive.
That's most annoying.