Diamonds Are Forever

Let's get down to business.
I presume you've come for the real...

The real diamonds.
Good evening, Miss Case.
Sorry about your fulsome friend.
I'll bet you really missed something.
The evening may not be
a total loss after all.

Why don't we talk a bit first?
What would you like to talk about?
You pick a subject.
- Diamonds?
- Good boy!

And you want to know where they are,
and whether I'm working alone or not.

So far, so good. Keep going.
And if not, then with whom.
So you can inform your superiors and...
acquire the diamonds.
I'm very impressed.
There's a lot more to you
than I had expected.

Presumably I'm the condemned man,
and obviously you're the hearty breakfast.
You're not going to tell me
where the diamonds are, are you?

What diamonds?
Sooner or later you'll have to talk.
They'll make you.
At the very least, you'll never
get out of town alive.

I can solve that little problem.
It's lucky for me that I ran into you.
Fifty-fifty split.
You get the diamonds, I get us out.
