How about you?
Your wife, sweetheart?
All right. Give the message
to the Chronicle.
We'll pay. But we need time
to get the money together.
Wait a minute. Do I get this right?
You'll play this creep's game?
It'll give us breathing space.
It might get somebody killed.
Let me meet with the son of a bitch!
Nope, none of that.
We would end up with a real bloodbath.
I agree with the chief.
We'll do it this way.
Thank you, Mr. Mayor.
Come on, Callahan, let's go.
I don't want trouble, like you had
last year in the Fillmore district.
That's my policy.
When an adult male
is chasing a female...
...with intent to commit rape,
I shoot the bastard. That's my policy.
How did you establish that?
When a naked man chases a woman in
an alley with a knife and a hard-on...
...I figure he isn't out
collecting for the Red Cross.
I think he's got a point.