Just like a statue.
That's right.
One wrong move,
anything, I don't care.
I'll kill you and the girl both.
Drop the bag.
Left hand.
Let's see the gun.
That's a big one.
Left hand. Throw it.
Raise your hands.
Come on, get them up.
Now turn.
Face the cross.
Come on.
Put your nose right up
against the cement.
You lift that hand once more and
I won't let you know where the girl is!
Do we understand each other?
Do we understand each other?
Don't pass out on me yet!
No, no.
No, no. Not yet. Not yet!
Don't pass out on me yet,
you rotten oinker!
Do we understand each other?
If you care what happens to the girl,
you'd better answer me! All right?
Listen to me carefully.
I've changed my mind.
I'm going to let her die.
I just wanted you to know that.
You understand? I ijust wanted to make
sure you knew that before I killed you.