Escape from the Planet of the Apes

Through an unfortunate accident, one was
killed this morning in the Los Angeles Zoo.

What would astronauts
be doing in a zoo, Mr President?

They are not astronauts, General Faulkner.
They are apes.
Chimpanzees, to be more precise.

They're harmless, friendly, and, by all reports,
extremely intelligent and sophisticated.

But, naturally, being animals,
they cannot tell us

where the ship came from
or how they came to be in it.

l have therefore decided to convene
a Presidential Commission of lnquiry
in Los Angeles tomorrow.

The two surviving apes will be presented
to the commission for their inspection.

The press will be invited
to attend, not to participate.

l don't believe that we can
withhold this extraordinary discovery
from the world any longer.

One ofthe two American spaceships
believed to have disintegrated in orbit

splashed down yesterday in the Pacific
Ocean, offthe coast of southern California,

and is stated to have been manned,
if you can call it ''manned,'' by monkeys.
l have nothing to say, gentlemen.
l haven't got time now. A little later.
Here comes the chairman.
As the president's science advisor,
what do you expect to experience
from this historic meeting?

All right now. After l break the news,
l want you to start slowly with simple
answers to what will be simple questions.
