Maybe the female knows.
Of course ''the female'' knows.
We came from your future.
That doesn't make any sense.
lt's the only thing that does.
- Mr Chairman.
- Yes.
Cornelius. You spoke ofwar.
- War between whom?
- The gorillas and whoever lives...
Lived. Will live.
- Who won the war?
- l don't know.
The chimpanzees are pacifists.
We stayed at home.
- But you left before the war had ended.
- ln a spaceship.
- Which Dr Milo learned to navigate.
- Correct.
Cornelius, did you know a Colonel Taylor?
No. ls he a soldier?
We are peaceful creatures.
We are happy to be here.
May we be unchained?
- Gentlemen, do you have anything to say?
- No comment.
No comment.
- Mr Chairman, a word.
- Here's one: preposterous.
- Can you define that?
- No, just let me say this
as head ofthis commission. We will
examine the facts ofthis bizarre affair
and pass our conclusions on to
the president for implementation.
What a load of huggermugger.
No comment.
- How will you advise the president?
- No comment.
Could you tell us how you
personally would handle it?
No, gentlemen. No comment.
- You were fabulous!
- Marvelous. All that applause, but...