Escape from the Planet of the Apes

Lewis said only a sip.
Zira, it is an excellent
restorative, l assure you,

especially in cases of pregnancy, you know?
- How long have you known?
- Oh, since well before the war.

Do you mind if l smoke?
Oh, no. l shouldn't.
Not in view ofyour condition.

Who won your war?
lt wasn't our war. lt was the gorillas' war.
Chimpanzees are pashi...
We stayed behind. We never saw the enemy.
- But which side won?
- Neither.

But how do you know that
if you weren't there?

When we were in space, we saw
a bright, white, blinding light.

And then we saw the rim ofthe Earth melt.
And then there was a tornado in the sky.
l feel magnificently sleepy.
The date meter on the spaceship.
What did it read after Earth's destruction?
seventy... three.
And before?
Before the white light and the tornado?

fifty... something.
- Before the white lightand the tornado?
- Thirty-nine...

fifty... something.
- So?
- You have evidence, Mr President,

that one day talking apes will dominate
this Earth and destroy it by 3950-something.

l doubt that we shall still be in office by then.
And according to the NASA experts,
