Escape from the Planet of the Apes

Or, after three more centuries,
turn the tables on their owners?

They became alert to the concept of slavery.
And, as their numbers grew, to slavery's
antidote which, of course, is unity.

At first, they began
assembling in small groups.

They learned the art of
corporate and militant action.

They learned to refuse.
At first, theyjust grunted their refusal.
But then, on an historic day,
which is commemorated by my species

and fully documented in the sacred scrolls,
there came Aldo.
He did not grunt. He articulated.
He spoke a word which had been spoken to
him time without number by humans.

He said...
So that's how it all started.
Clip one, please.
Where we come from, apes talk.
Humans are dumb.
You recognize your husband's
words to the commission?

So humans were dumb. Were they happy?
Clip two.
As to humans, l've dissec...
l've examined thousands ofthem,
and, untilnow, l've only discovered
two who could talk in mylife.

Why did you change words
in the middle ofthe sentence?

Repeat first three seconds of clip two.
As to humans, l've dissec...
l've examined...
- What was the word you didn't finish?
- l can't remember.

Play the loop.
- Complete the word, monkey!
- l told you...
