When you left, was Colonel Taylor still alive?
We loved Taylor.
We did all we could to help him,
Cornelius and l.
- Cornelius!
- She should have a nap now.
She'll get it.
- Orderly.
- Sir?
- Please take the female ape to its quarters.
- Yes, sir.
We have to get this
to the commission immediately.
l've received an official
notification from the president,
ratifying the recommendations
made by this commission
in light ofthe tape recordings
delivered to us by Dr Hasslein.
Now, ifyou'll just be seated,
we'll get right down to business.
Now, let me review our conclusions.
One: by a majority vote, the commission
finds no solid evidence for hostility
by either ape towards humans as at present
constituted in this year of our Lord 1973.
Let me remind you
that this was by a majority vote.
The male's attitude is that
of a well-disposed academician
who studied the alleged
downfall ofthe human race
with the true objectivity of a good historian.
The female's case is different in that she
committed actions against the human race
of a sort which, if committed today,
would be called atrocities.
But would they be so called
in 2,000 years' time
when it is alleged that humans
will have become dumb brutes
with the restricted intelligence of animals?
lt has been pointed out
that what apes will do to humans
is no more than what humans
are now doing to beasts.
Nonetheless, the commission is
sympathetic to Dr Hasslein's conviction
that the progeny ofthese apes
could in centuries to come
prove an increasing threat to the human race