And they came to the Mighty
and to Cucumatz...
...and consider ed light and life...
''ln what manner shall life be sown...
...and how shall light shine?
Who shall be our ward and keeper?
O that it may come to pass!
This thou shalt ponder!
Recede o ye waters,
abate ye fr om the earth!
Let ther e be earth and her union...
...and she shall become level...
...so that life can be sown...
...so that light shall be
in heaven and on earth.
For ther e is no splendor
nor r enown, nor glory...
... in this, our work, our cr eation...
... lest man be built, man be cr eated.''
Thus spake they.
And earth was cr eated by them.
Y es indeed, thus it came forth.
So that earth might come forth
they said...
...''Earth'', and at once it appear ed.
Mer ely like a cloud, like unto a haze
when it first took shape...
... in its first manifestation.
Then the mountains wer e heard
rising out of the waters...
...and they wer e majestic instanter.