...the stag, fowl, puma, and jaguar...
...the snake, rattle-snake, and viper,
the wards of the cr eepers.
And the child-bear er and the
begetter of the sons spake...
''Shall it be all void...
...shall it be all still under
the tr ees and cr eepers?
Would not it be wise now...
...to have somebody watch
over them?'' spake they...
... bethinking themselves and taking
council the one with the other.
At once the stag and
the fowl wer e shaped...
...and now they showed the stag
and the fowl their habitation...
''Thou, stag, shalt sleep near the
course of the river, in the gorges...
... her e thou shalt dwell,
betwixt grass-bushels and herbs.
ln the for ests shalt thou multiply!
Let it be so !'' they said unto them.
Then the small birds and the
big birds r eceived their abode...
''Y e birds of the tr ee-tops
and the cr eepers...
... may ye dwell and nest her e !
Her e may ye br eed and multiply
on the branches of the tr ees...
...and on the tendrils and cr eepers.''
So it was told to
the stags and the fowl.
Thus was the earth
haunted by them...
...and each was given his bed
and his r esting place.
ln this manner, the child-bear er
and begetter of sons...
...gave the beasts of the earth
their habitation...
...thus all the stags and
fowl became alive.