and always wear
a little prayer shawl.
This shows
our constant devotion to God.
You may ask...
how did this tradition
get started?
I'll tell you.
I don't know.
But it's a tradition.
And because of our traditions...
every one of us knows who he is...
and what God expects him to do.
Who day and night
must scramble for a living
Feed a wife and children
Say his daily prayers
And who has a right
as master of the house
To have the final word at home
The papa
Who must know the way
to make a proper home
A quiet home, a kosher home
Who must raise a family
and run the home
So Papa's free to read
the Holy Book
The mama
At three I started Hebrew school
At ten I learned a trade
I hear they picked
a bride for me
I hope she's pretty
And who does Mama teach
To mend and tend and fix
Preparing her to marry
Whoever Papa picks
The daughters