That's true.
Amen. A man sends you an important
message, you can talk to him.
- I don't want to...
- Talk to him!
All right!
After the Sabbath I'll talk to him!
All right. I'll talk to him.
Well, it's getting late.
- Where is everybody?
- I don't know, Papa.
Children! Come down, children!
We are lighting the candles.
Not now, Motel. Hurry up, children!
Not now, Motel.
The sun is almost down.
What is it?
Well, Motel, what is it?
Good Sabbath, Reb Tevye.
Hurry up.
Hurry, children.
It's getting late.
May the Lord
protect and defend you
May he always
shield you from shame
May you come to be