for getting a rich man.
Again with the rich.
What's wrong with being rich?
It's no reason to marry.
Money's the world's curse.
May the Lord
smite me with it...
and may I never recover!
"The world's curse. "
My Tzeitel knows
I mean only her welfare.
Am I right, Tzeitel?
- Yes, Papa.
- There, you see?
I see. I see very well.
Well, my child...
why are you so silent?
Aren't you happy
with this blessing?
What is it? Tell me.
Papa, I don't want
to marry him.
I can't marry him.
What do you mean you can't?
If I say you will, you will.
Papa, if it's a matter of money,
I'll do anything.
I'll work as a servant.
- Just don't...
- But we made an agreement!
And with us, an agreement
is an agreement.
Is that...
more important than I am, Papa?
Papa, don't force me, please!
I'll be unhappy all my days!
- I don't want to marry him.
- All right.
I won't force you.
Oh, thank you, Papa.
"Thank you, Papa. "