In the beginning...
I dreamt that...
we were having...
a celebration of some kind.
Everybody we knew...
all of our beloved departed...
were there.
All of them...
even your
Great Uncle Mordechai...
was there...
and your cousin Rachel
was there.
And in the middle of the dream...
in walks your grandmother Tzeitel,
may she rest in peace.
Grandmother Tzeitel!
How did she look?
Well, for a woman
who's dead 30 years...
she looked very good.
Naturally, I went up
to greet her.
A blessing on your head
Mazel tov, mazel tov
To see a daughter wed
And such a son-in-law
Like no one ever saw
The tailor Motel Kamzoil
A worthy boy is he
Of pious family
They named him after my
Dear Uncle Mordechai
The tailor Motel Kamzoil
She must have heard wrong.
- She meant the butcher.
- I'll tell her.
You must have heard wrong, Grandma
There's no tailor
You mean the butcher, Grandma
By the name of Lazar Wolf
No, no, no
I mean the tailor, Tevye
My great-grandchild
My little Tzeitel
who you named for me
Motel's bride was meant to be
For such a match I prayed
In heaven it was made
A fine upstanding boy