I say...
I say let's sit down.
Yes. Well, we all heard
the words of the rabbi.
Let's sit down.
Now I'm going
to sing a little song.
I don't want that.
Leave me alone.
You can keep your
diseased chickens!
You leave my chickens
out of this!
- We made a bargain!
- The terms weren't settled!
We drank on it!
Just sit down, all right?
Once a butcher,
always a butcher.
- Once a liar, always a liar.
- Sit down!
Those happen to be my chickens.
That man...
I had a sign!
Quiet, I'm singing.
What's all
the screaming about?
"They drank on it. "
"An agreement. "
"A sign. "
It's all nonsense.
Tzeitel wanted to marry
Motel and not Lazar.
A young girl
decides for herself?
Why not?
They love each other.
- Love?
- Terrible.
- He's a radical.
- Musicians, play.
It's a dance. Everybody dance.
- It's a wedding!
- Some wedding.
- What is he doing?
- Who will dance with me?
- That's a sin.
- It's no sin to dance.
- But with a girl?
- Yes!
That's what comes of taking a wild man
into your house.
He's not a wild man!
He is a little bit different.
- Come on.
- It's a sin.
It's no sin.
Ask the rabbi.
Go on, ask him.
Well, rabbi?
- It's not exactly forbidden, but...
- Well, there you see!
- It's not forbidden!
- And it's no sin.