What news of the outside world, Avram?
- It's terrible!
- Then don't tell me!
If I want bad news,
I'll read about Noah and the flood.
Tell me, Avram.
Surely somewhere
there are good things happening?
Can't you buy a paper
that prints those things?
It's not my fault!
I only read it!
- Rabbi! Did you hear the news?
- More bad news?
No! Good news!
At Motel and Tzeitel's! A new arrival!
We just heard the good news!
Mazel tov!
Thank you very much.
- It's a nice thing.
- Yes, it is.
- Very nice.
- Thank you.
- What is it?
- It's a sewing machine!
It can work twice as fast.
You got it!
I got it!
- It's beautiful.
- I know.
- Have you tried it yet?
- Look!
- Beautiful!
- I know!
And in less than a minute!
See how close and even the stitches are?
- It's beautiful!
- I know!
From now on my clothes will be perfect!
Made by machine!
No more handmade clothes!
Look, Mama!
It's wonderful!
The rabbi!
Rabbi, is there a blessing
for a sewing machine?
There is a blessing for everything.
That's your new arrival?
What is it, a boy or a girl?
Well put.