"The earth is the Lord's
and the fullness thereof,
"the world
and they who dwell therein.
"For He has established it upon the
waters and set it upon the rivers.
"Who shall ascend
the mountain of the Lord
"or who shall stand
in His holy place?
"The innocent of hand
and the pure of heart
"who has not turned his mind
to vanity
"nor sworn deceitfully
to his neighbour,
"he shall receive the blessing
from the Lord
"and a reward from God,
his Saviour.
"This is the generation of those
who seek him..."
Why you purchased that monstrosity
I have no idea.
You can have any car you want
but that ugly horror is an eyesore
and an embarrassment.
Really, it is time you settled down
and stopped flitting away your
talents on these amateur theatrics,
these little divertissements,
no matter how
psychologically purging they may be.
I don't know what to do.
Go and have a talk
with your Uncle Victor.
Perhaps he can fathom you.
After all, he was
General MacArthur's right-hand man.
What do you say, Harold?