Yes, I do indeed.
"Do you go to sleep easily?"
I'd say so.
"Do you believe
in capital punishment for murder?"
Yes, I do indeed.
"In your opinion, are social affairs
usually a waste of time?"
Heavens, no!
"Can God influence our lives?"
Yes, absolutely yes.
"Does your personal religion
or philosophy
"include a life after death?"
Yes, indeed. That's absolutely.
"Did you enjoy life
when you were a child?"
Yes, you were a wonderful baby,
"Do you think the sexual revolution
has gone too far?"
It certainly has.
"Do you find the idea
of wife-swapping distasteful?"
I even find the question distasteful.
"Do you..."
Harold, please!
"Do you have ups and downs
without obvious reason?"
That's you, Harold!
"Dearest brothers, let us faithfully
and lovingly remember our brother
"whom God has taken to Himself
from the trials of this world.