Harold and Maude

Then, you'll just have to come back
and visit.

- All right.
- My door's always open.

- All right.
- Promise?

I promise.
I asked, do you have any friends?
- No.
- None at all?

Maybe one.
Would you care to talk about
this friend?

You are an interesting case
but this reluctance is detrimental

to the psychoanalytical process.
Do you understand?
Very well.
Your mother tells me that she's
arranging several dates for you

with some young ladies.
How do you feel about that?
- Hello, I'm Candy Gulf.
- How do you do? I'm Mrs Chasen.

Do come in. Harold's in the garden
but he'll be here in a moment.

Shall we sit down?
There's Harold.
- He seems very nice.
- Thank you.

- You are at the university?
- Yes, I am.

- What are you studying?
- Poli Sci with a minor in Home Ec.

Poli Sci...?
Political Science.
It's all about what's going on.

Is Harold interested in
what's going on?

I just think
it's such a super thing to study

and I can always fall back
on my Home Ec.

- That's good planning.
- Yes.

Tell me, are you a regular
with this Computer Club?

Heavens, no!
I don't have to worry about dates.

Some of the girls in my sorority
decided that someone ought to try it
