Excuse me.
- I beg your pardon.
- What do you want?
I'm sorry, I was looking for Maude.
How about some ginger pie?
- Fine. Thank you.
- I'll heat some up.
My, Harold,
I'm glad to see you again.
Do you often model for Glaucus?
Heavens, no!
I don't have the time
but I like to keep in practice
and poor Glaucus occasionally
needs his memory refreshed
as to the contours
of the female form.
- Do you disapprove?
- Me? No, of course not.
Really? Do you think it's wrong?
Heavens! I'm glad you said that.
I wanna show you my painting.
This is The Rape Of Rome.
Over in the corner
is Leda And The Swan,
and over here is my favourite.