Follow me;
thou shalt serve me.
If I like thee no worse
after dinner,
I'll not part
from thee yet.
Let his knights have
colder looks among you;
what grows of it no matter.
Ho, dinner!
Where's my knave?
My fool?
Go you and call
my fool hither.
O you, sirrah, you,
where's my daughter?
Go call
the clotpoll back.
Hey, you!
Where is my fool?
I think the worid's asleep.
Where's that mongrel?
He says, my lord,
your daughter is not well.
Why came the slave
not back to me
when I called him?
He answered me he would not.
Would not!
Your Highness
is not entertained
with the same ceremonious
affection as you were wont.
Go you and tell
my daughter
I'd speak with her.
And go you
call hither my fool.
O you,
you, sir.
Come you hither, sir.
Who am I, sir?
My lady's father.
"My lady's father"!
You whoreson dog!
You slave!
You cur!
I'll not be struck,
my lord.
Nor tripp'd neither,
you base football player.