# And leave thee in the storm ##
Where learn'd
you this, fool?
Not i' th' stocks, fool.
Deny to speak with me?
They are sick!
They are weary!
They have travelled all night!
Fetch me a better answer!
My dear lord,
you know the fiery
quality of the Duke.
Fiery? What quality?
Why, Gloucester... Gloucester,
I'd speak with the Duke
of Cornwall and his wife.
Well, my good lord,
I have inform'd them so.
Inform'd them!
Dost thou understand me, man?
Ay, my good lord.
The King would speak
with Cornwall.
The dear father would
with his daughter speak;
commands her service.
Are they inform'd of this?
My breath and blood! Fiery?
The fiery Duke?
Tell the hot Duke that...
No, but not yet.
May be he is not well.
Death on my state!
Wherefore should
he sit here?
Give me my servant forth.
Tell the Duke and his wife
I'd speak with them.
Now, presently.
Bid them come forth
and hear me,
or at their chamber door
I'll beat the drum
till it cry sleep to death.
I would have all well
between you.
O me, my heart,
my rising heart!
But, down.