for we have
no such daughter,
nor shall ever see
that face of hers again.
I think our father
will away tonight.
That's most certain,
and with you;
next month with us.
You see how full
of changes his age is;
he always lov'd
our sister most;
and with what poor
judgement he hath
now cast her off.
'Tis the infirmity
of his age;
yet he hath ever
but slenderly
known himself.
We shall further
think on it.
We must do
and i' th' heat.
These late eclipses
of the sun and moon
portend no good to us.
In cities, mutinies;
in countries, discord;
in palaces, treason;
and the bond crack'd
between child and father.
We have seen
the best of our time:
hollowness, treachery,