Man to man, Gerald, it's quite possible
I saved a child from pneumonia...
or forestalled a bad case of mastoiditis.
It's less serious than it used to be,
mastoiditis, antibiotics and all.
Remember the summer
we had to stop you from diving, Gerald?
What the doctor decided was
that your head was too narrow.
Your mother's head was too narrow.
Your eustachian tube
wasn't draining properly.
The ordinary person
gets water up his eustachian tube...
drains right out again, slick as a whistle.
Yours, the water kept getting stuck up there.
Thing would pinch right in the middle,
form like one of those egg timers.
We'll have to keep an eye on Duncan
in case he's inherited the same anomaly.
Pop, I believe you met Mrs. Fisher.
Oh, yes.
This is Miss Roberts.
Miss Roberts is with the parks department.
My pleasure.
You ladies care for some coffee,
maybe something stronger?
Gerald, I don't think
your father understands.
- Let's not get excited.
- May I moderate this?
Won't you all sit down?
As you know, Mr. Kotcher,
we have a few rules in the parks.
Gambling, intoxicating liquor,
lewd behavior.
People who can't behave themselves
in the park shouldn't be in there.
Now, Mrs. Fisher has made
a complaint against you.
My job is to find out what ensued
between you and her daughter Gabrielle.
I told you what ensued,
and I have two witnesses.
He won't leave the kids alone.
He can't keep his hands off them.
- He touched her indecently.
- He touched her where?
- Behind.
- Pop, is this right?
The more I think about it, the more I know
I've overstressed mastoiditis.
It's true the child was suffering a chill
when I approached her...
but now I'm inclined
more towards psychogenic shock.
Just try and get
a straight answer out of him.
Pop, if you did such a thing,
it's inexcusable. Tell the truth.
Fella I was talking to the other day,
didn't catch his name...
he thought the whole thing started
with John McGraw.
It might have been Casey Stengel,
or maybe old Knute Rockne.
That's what he does.
What's Casey Stengel
got to do with anything?
I'm trying to tell you, Gerald.
I get it all day long. Ask a question,
he goes off on some tangent.
When you did something great,
home run, or touchdown, or whatever...
the other players shook your hand,
patted you on the back...
for congratulations. Or when the coach
sent a new player into the game.